Thursday, September 1, 2011

English Collage

Theodore Boone (Main Character)

Courtroom (Part of Setting)

Cheerios (Theodore and his dog share them every morning.)

Theodore's Dog

                                                               Classroom (Part of Setting)

Theodore's mother calls him Teddy.

outside of courthouse (Part of Setting)

Judge (People Theo looks up to.)

Lawyer (Job that Theodore wants but he doesn't know that he already kind of is one.)

Theodore's parents are lawyers and arent really around him much.

Mr. and Mrs. Boone's offices

is the defendant guilty or...

or is the defendant innocent
there is a trial for murder
no one can find any evidence
theo finds evidence using his inteligence
defendant questioned at court
the verdict is decided
defendant sent to jail

1 comment:

  1. Hey whats up Jackson. I liked your picture story. I haven't read the book that you made this about but just from this I can sorta tell what it is about. I'm guessing that it is about a kid who's parents are lawyers on a hard case. Then the kid uses his knowledge to solve the case. If I'm right then your picture story is pretty good. One thing I think you should add is some humor though. You're a funny guy so I know some humor can be put into it. It's pretty good though.
