Thursday, October 20, 2011

Quarter Uno Blog Reflection!!!

    Overall, my grade for the first quarter blogs was ok.  It wasnt that great and i wasnt extremely happy with it, but I got an A for the quarter.  I would have liked better than a B- on my blog so i will just have to try a lot harder this quarter!  I think that my stronger blogs from last quarter were the animoto and the vlog because i enjoyed them the most so i put in the most effort towards them.  If i would have put forth the same amount of effort towards the other blogs, I would have definately gotten a better grade.  One point of weakness that I had was when i didn't write long enough paragraphs that were lacking detail.  I also could have done the blogs when they were assigned instead of waiting until the last minute.  I think that some of the blogs were rushed but that won't be the case this quarter.
    Blogging this year has been fun for the most part.  Making the vlogs and animotos is probably the most fun.  I don't normally make videos so it was cool to watch myself talk about the books that i have read.  Some of the blogs, however, i thought were just kind of boring.  For example, the website blog was in my opinion very repetitve.  I felt like i was finding the same information just on different sites and that only about 5 were quality sites pertaining to my book.  That's why i really liked how you let us choose the blogs for this quarters assignment, and i wont be doing a website blog this quarter if you were wondering.  Im looking forward to having fun choosing the blogs and can't wait to do the Letters About Literature.
    For this quarter, I will be reading Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi.  I saw that a couple people read this last quarter and it is really good so far.  It is about a teenage boy like myself, and how he has a hard life because it takes place in the future and almost all of the resources like oil are depleted and must be scavenged for.  He has to work very hard and keep his job otherwise, well i dont know yet because i havent read it all!  Keep reading my posts to find out more on Ship Breaker.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Theo's Animoto

<object id="vp1637TQ" width="432" height="240" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed id="vp1637TQ" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="432" height="240"></embed></object><p>Create your own <a href=" slideshow</a> at</p>

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Blog #6 Websites

This website is about the author.  You can e-mail him and send him messages whenever you want.  If there are any questions regarding Theodore Boone Kid Lawyer then you can just ask him on this site!

This website is actually really cool! It is like a website just for my book.  It also turns out that there is a sequal toTheodore Boone Kid Lawyer and it is shown on this site!

Wikipedia has everything!  This website can show you anything you would want to know about my book.  It gives the plot summary and any other part of the book you would need.

This website is really cool because you can watch the trailer for the book.  It is really exciting to see it in video rather than words.  I really liked this video and i hope you do too.

This website shows pretty much the whole setting whenever it comes to the courtroom.  There is the seat in which the judge sits on and the general public as well as the jury.  I really like how these photos represent the setting of my book.

This website is almost perfect whenever it comes to the setting.  This site contains over 1,000 photos of courtrooms and everything inside them.  I hope you can get an image for the setting by looking over these pictures.

I really like this site because it contains a book review but it really goes in depth on the author as well.  John Grisham is a very good author when it comes to writing children type books like this one.  The writer of this site tells how the main events happen but in a really funny way and he describes the book as "flat", i dont agree.

This website contains all of the bestseller books that John Grisham, the author of my book, has written.  If you scroll down you will find my book.  There is some pictures and information on Theodore Boone Kid Lawyer.

After reading my book, you will have to read the sequal.  This site contains lots of information regarding the second book in this series.  I cant wait to read it myself.

This site is amazing because you can actually buy the book on this site.  Amazon is a great place to buy books and then you get it in the mail.  Im considering buying this book after we start the next one so that my family can read it too!

This site should be used to identify the significance of the different types of jobs that are involved in court.  This one describes what the judges do, and it is important to know before reading Theodore Boone Kid Lawyer.

I really like this site because it gives all of the information needed about who sits where in the courtroom.  For example, the judge is in the middle and explains why the defendant is guilty just like in my book.  Knowing background information from this site is very helpful.

Knowing the description of a trial is pretty much the key to this book.  The main point of the book is trying to figure out if this man is guilty or innocent via a trial.  Theodore uses his skills as a young detective to figure this out.

One of the most important characters is an illegal immigrant.  That is someone who is not legally a citizen of the united states and isn't supposed to be here.  In the book he is a key witness but if his name is said, he will go to jail!

This site defines and shows the use of all of the legal terms that are mentioned in this book.  Knowing these would be very beneficial to understanding the full meaning and outcome of the events that happen during the story.

This website shows exactly what lawyers do.  Because Theo's parents are both lawyers, this is a great site to surf to find information about lawyers.  This is also good because lawyer is in the title!

This trailer is perfect for showing the main points of the book.  Even though it was done by a fifth grader, you can still identify the characters and summary.  If you get confused with the story, watch the trailer to help.
This summary is perfect for explaining everything there is to know about this book.  The writer of this summary included everything .  If you dont know if you want to read this book, read this summary and you will probably want to read it.
This biography about the author of Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer, John Grisham, really helps you get to know the point of view and writing style that he uses in his books.  I really liked reading about his life in this biography.  Now i want to read more books written by him!
The really cool thing about this website is that you really get to see the consequences for murder which is exactly what happens in the story.  I really like this site because it tells you everything that you need to know about the different types and how much time you get in prison.  Look at this site for information about murder and murder trials.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blog # 4 follow other blogs

    Hey Mrs. Hayes it wouldnt let me post the comment under their post so i just put them here.
Hey Alex i really like these pictures and i like the way that you combined them to help show what your book is about.  These pictures really help illustrate the meaning of the book and it makes me want to go out and buy/read it right now!  The pictures look really interesting and the topic of the book looks really cool.  Im pretty sure that i will choose this book for my second quarter reading and cant wait!
    Hey Brandon, this song is perfect for describing your book!  I have seen the movie and this song helps me relate to the movie.  Im thinking that i will either read this book for my second quarter or my third quarter choice but i can't decide.  I like the way that you described the theme of the song and matched it to specific examples in the book which is exactly what the prompt said.  Good job!
    Hey Sarah! I really liked all of the pictures that you used to explain the setting and actions of the characters in your book.  This book looks really interesting based on all of the pictures and i dont know if i would read it but i might have to give it a try.  I really like the different types of pictures you used and the explanations of what they are really help me understand what the book is about and help others decide if they want to read it.  Good job, your post is very informative through pictures!

Blog #5: the V log