Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blog # 4 follow other blogs

    Hey Mrs. Hayes it wouldnt let me post the comment under their post so i just put them here.
Hey Alex i really like these pictures and i like the way that you combined them to help show what your book is about.  These pictures really help illustrate the meaning of the book and it makes me want to go out and buy/read it right now!  The pictures look really interesting and the topic of the book looks really cool.  Im pretty sure that i will choose this book for my second quarter reading and cant wait!
    Hey Brandon, this song is perfect for describing your book!  I have seen the movie and this song helps me relate to the movie.  Im thinking that i will either read this book for my second quarter or my third quarter choice but i can't decide.  I like the way that you described the theme of the song and matched it to specific examples in the book which is exactly what the prompt said.  Good job!
    Hey Sarah! I really liked all of the pictures that you used to explain the setting and actions of the characters in your book.  This book looks really interesting based on all of the pictures and i dont know if i would read it but i might have to give it a try.  I really like the different types of pictures you used and the explanations of what they are really help me understand what the book is about and help others decide if they want to read it.  Good job, your post is very informative through pictures!

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