Thursday, October 20, 2011

Quarter Uno Blog Reflection!!!

    Overall, my grade for the first quarter blogs was ok.  It wasnt that great and i wasnt extremely happy with it, but I got an A for the quarter.  I would have liked better than a B- on my blog so i will just have to try a lot harder this quarter!  I think that my stronger blogs from last quarter were the animoto and the vlog because i enjoyed them the most so i put in the most effort towards them.  If i would have put forth the same amount of effort towards the other blogs, I would have definately gotten a better grade.  One point of weakness that I had was when i didn't write long enough paragraphs that were lacking detail.  I also could have done the blogs when they were assigned instead of waiting until the last minute.  I think that some of the blogs were rushed but that won't be the case this quarter.
    Blogging this year has been fun for the most part.  Making the vlogs and animotos is probably the most fun.  I don't normally make videos so it was cool to watch myself talk about the books that i have read.  Some of the blogs, however, i thought were just kind of boring.  For example, the website blog was in my opinion very repetitve.  I felt like i was finding the same information just on different sites and that only about 5 were quality sites pertaining to my book.  That's why i really liked how you let us choose the blogs for this quarters assignment, and i wont be doing a website blog this quarter if you were wondering.  Im looking forward to having fun choosing the blogs and can't wait to do the Letters About Literature.
    For this quarter, I will be reading Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi.  I saw that a couple people read this last quarter and it is really good so far.  It is about a teenage boy like myself, and how he has a hard life because it takes place in the future and almost all of the resources like oil are depleted and must be scavenged for.  He has to work very hard and keep his job otherwise, well i dont know yet because i havent read it all!  Keep reading my posts to find out more on Ship Breaker.

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