Thursday, March 1, 2012

Overview of 3rd quarter book and blogging assignments

    For the 3rd quarter i chose to read From Baghdad, With Love as you already know.  I liked this book for the most part because I like learining about what goes on in war and how people manage to live through it.  However, the settings were kind of hard to follow because Kopelman was contstantly on the move doing some different military assignment for the Marines.  I can relate to this because I have this video game series called Call of Duty that requires similar actions.  You are a soldier in the military and they send you out on lots of missions which is another reason why i liked this book.  The other aspect of this book containing calming, and loving emotions really balances out the effects of war.  I really liked Lava as a character and the way that Kopelman describes him is like he is a person, not an animal.  For this reason, I enjoyed the book the most.  I would recommend it to anyone that is curious of war and its effects on people, and people that like dogs.
   Blogging as a whole was kind of difficult this quarter.  The book that i chose was written in like a journal format with dates and places and years which made it kind of hard to follow.  Overall, it was ok, and maybe it was just the choice of book that made it slightly more difficult.  One thing that i would like to talk about would be ning posting.  I don't really know how to post on the ning without it being kind of awkward.  I kind of want to skype a lot more instead of posting on the ning because it would be easier if i knew the people that i was talking to.  The one day that we had to skype was really funa and I can't wait until we do it again.  Was it true that you said that we get to skype in groups in the library on the netbooks?  That would be really cool and fun!


  1. Hi Im Jose from Fremd. This book seems really remarkable. It is kind of interesting to see peoples post war reaction. I feel like the effects of war differs from person to person. I agree that skyping was really fun. It was a fun experience that I hope we get to do again.

  2. Hi, I'm Jacquelyn from Fremd. I think your idea of skyping more often sounds fun because I agree that posting between sites gets kind of awkward at times. Hopefully the timing will work out again sometime because I know our schools run on different schedules.

  3. I'm Robbie from Fremd and our class didn't get to skype with yours unfortunately but hopefully our schedules happen to work out one day. I think skype is a great way to interact.

  4. Jeff Jauch that's my name and I suppose I have to tell you I'm from Fremd like everyone else. You really are right about how Skype would make things a bit more interesting. Skyping is a great way to meet and introduce yourself to people online and it really can cut some of the awkward barriers down that pop up from just commenting on a blog, like I am now. The awkward feels so thick you could cut it with a knife. Awkward.

  5. This is a very unique blog in the sense that you didn't write the blog on the whole story. I like how you included that it is kind of awkward to post on the ning. I sort of agree. Not knowing the person makes it weird to post on something they wrote. Good post.

  6. Hey this is Josh from Fremdland. I think this book sounds great, I am a history (especially military) buff and I love reading these types of books. I'd highly recommend Lone Survivor and Black Hawk Down if you're looking for other similar books. And I agree that we should all skype again. Nice blog

  7. I totally agree with you about how its awkward posting on the other school's blogs, because I have no idea who you are! But oh well i get full points for it. This book seems to militaryish and guyish for me but you did a good job explaining it!

  8. To add to alla dis stuff bein' thrown around, I would like to congratulate you on both graduating the underclassman years and blogging with us. It has been my awkward pleasure to converse with folks from southern Illinois. To your blog; I enjoy a spot of history from time to time, so I have read From Baghdad, With Love. The next book you should read, I think, is 1776, which is on my blog (shameless plug)!

  9. Totally agree with the commenting on the blogs! When I comment on a Carbondale blog it's mostly rambling and saying "Good job!". We should definitely put faces to the names. Great Post!

  10. This is Mike from Fremd, I really think comparing war to Call of Duty is a bit of a stretch, at one point I saw a video which was a spoof trailer for the new Call of Duty game in which there was thousands of hours of gameplay where you could talk to your friends and sleep, just like real war. Anyway, the awkward parts of commenting on others' blogs really stems from the lack of face to face interaction with them, just like talking with your friends is easier than talking with strangers.
