Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Picture of Words- "From Baghdad, With Love"

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    I chose to add words to this picture that represented every aspect of my book, From Baghadad, With Love by Jay Kopelman.  I included the settings of where the book takes place such as Fallujah, Baghdad, La Jolla, and Massachusetts.  The only characters that were really present in the book were Lt. Col. Jay Kopelman and his dog Lava and i included them in here as well.  I also included simple words that go along with the story as well such as the Marines, Lava Dogs(Kopelman's Marine Batallion), and puppy.  There were obviously a lot of other words that were in the picture, but i can't explain each one.
    The outline of this picture of words is ironically a skull.  I chose to do a skull for this background because the book's setting is in Iraq, which contains the war over terrorism.  Some of the images described by Kopelman are quite disturbing and i have seen footage of the war which helps relate to what the reality of war is.  The skull represents not only the deaths of the people, but also the people that are still alive and have to deal with death on a daily basis.  I mean psychologically it's really hard to deal with.  The author mentions this and uses Lava, his dog to help cope with the stresses of war.

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