Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lava's Diary

Dear Lt. Col. Kopelman,
    I want to thank you for not only saving my life, but for providing me with the necesities to stay alive.  Without your help, i probably would have died shortly after you left the building that i was in.  Because i was so small and had no one to take care of me, i wouldnt have lasted more than a couple months on the streets of Fallujah.  We have been friends for quite a while now and i look to being your "mans best friend" for as long as i live.  The times that we spent on your military base in Fallujah were what brought us together.  You let me sleep in your sleeping bag and i felt loved by everyone in the facility.  Everyone fed me probably more than i needed it and i loved every minute of it.  Those MRE's were pretty delicious even though you humans dont seem to think so. 
    I would also like to thank you for getting me out of that awful country.  All of the war's loud noises such as explosions and gun fire were too much for a little puppy like me.  The struggle that you went through to find some way to ship me out of Iraq was highly appreciated as well.  I admit, the travel to America was very scary and confusing and i had no idea where i was.  Even after i arrived to La Jolla, California, your home town, i still didnt know where i was.  The confusion finally went away after you returned home in 2005.  The wait was long, but proved to be worthwhile.  Again, i want to thank you for everything that you have done for me.

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