Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Music for, "From Baghadad, With Love"

    I chose the song "Without You" by David Guetta ft. Usher to represent the theme and mood for From Baghdad, With Love.  I chose this song because the whole theme and purpose of the book was to get the dog, Lava, safely to America and the way Lt. Cl. Kopelman feels about this.  Kopelman wants him to be safe, but he wishes that he could handle the whole operation himself to ensure Lava's safety.  The line in the song, " I will never make it by without you..." is perfect for describing the way Kopelman felt after sending Lava to the Iraqi zoo which was in a red zone.  Red zones are military zones that are not necessarily safe.
   Another line that relates with the book is "I will never be the same without you..."  The significance of this line in the song to the story is the impact that Lava has on Kopelman after they both return to the United States.  Kopelman went to Iraq to fight a war, and came back with a cute little puppy.  Lava changed his life in many ways and helped Kopelman psychologically get through the war in Iraq.  This song by David Guetta and Usher is perfect for explaining the overall message of this book.  The music video of this song almost relates to the book as well.  It shows the continents joining together and in the story, a man from North America befriends a dog from the middle-east and they come together as friends.

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